Managing Director, Koh Kheng Lye (K.L.Koh) launched the then known Singapore Essential Oil Distillation Company, officially opened by Dr Goh Keng Swee.
This was Singapore’s first-ever modern distillation factory, revolutionising the traditional methods of producing high-quality Patchouli oils. Experimentation in this factory paid off big, enabling Mr. Koh to be the first in Singapore to successfully extract oil from Sandalwood, Patchouli and Nutmeg.
K.L.Koh Enterprise was formed, focusing on stocking, trading and blending. Mr. Koh was dubbed the ‘Patchouli King’, inspired from his obsession in finding the best blends to create a signature, optimal standard of Patchouli essence.
K.L.Koh Enterprise was incorporated into a private limited company and gradually obtained a generous slice of the market. Serving a variety of clients with a stamp of their own quality and value. From joss-stick manufacturers to leading fragrance and flavour companies worldwide.
These remarkable feats not only brought success to the business, but also successfully helped Singapore bid for the 9th International Congress of Essential Oils. A defining milestone, positioning Singapore as the first non-essential oil producing country to host an industry congress.
Playing a vital role in the industry, Mr. Koh was soon elected as the executive member of the International Federation of Essential Oils and Aroma Trades.